Page 15 - FoC 2022 WinterFall Newsletter FB
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                             9              Opportunities to Provide

                                            HUMANITARIAN SUPPORT

                $10-$1000                   to our brothers and sisters in Peru
                   Item # H1                 Item # H2                Item # H3                Item # H4
                     Bibles             Essential Package         X-Mas Package              Water Project
              Purchase a Bible for      Provide 20 families      Provide a family with      Contribute to the
                a child or a family!      with a package          a X-mas Basket full      pilot water project in
                  $10 - 1 Bible             of food and           of basic necessities     the Cambio Puente
                $100 - 10 Bibles            essentials.          including a panetone          community.
               $1000 - 100 Bibles                                 bread made in the
                                                                    ACAF bakery.

                   $1,120                    $2100                    $1,500                   $6000
                   Item # H5                 Item # H6                Item # H7                Item # H8
               Loaves & Fishes             Soup Kitchen         Student Scholarship          House Build

              Provide 350 families       Provide one month       Two-year vocational       Provide shelter to a
               with loaves and fish       of meals for 200      training for a student.    family in need with
                 in a community         people at a Mission                                 a home, furniture,
                                           Soup Kitchen                                    gas stove and food

                                                                                  Item # H9
                                                                   Where ever My Dollars are NEEDED!

                                                                     Social Programs (Food,Water, Shelter)
                                                                               Health & Medical
                                                                   Transformation (Scholarship & Microloans)
                                                                   ***Specify dollar amount and your passion
                                                                              on back order form

                         Donations can be sent in the enclosed reply envelope. Order form is on back page.
                     You may also click on the donate button on the FoC website at www.friendsof                                                                                    PAGE 15
                   Any questions regarding these designated gifts please contact Todd Mickelson at 701-364-0162.
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