Page 11 - C:\Users\j_dol\OneDrive\Desktop\FOC MAIN 2\Marketing\Newsletter\FlipBook\Summer 2023\
P. 11

TRANSFORMATION........Living out our Mission’s Purpose

                                                                                                 SUMMER 2023

                 Receiving a new home!        Rainbow in Fernanda’s Room symbolizing Promise  Brick oven built in back of home

                                                FURNITURE                           PRESENTATION

                   Inside the bakery              Mom and Daughter keeping tradition       Catalina with her new oven

                                                                                       BEDS TO
                                                                                      DREAM IN

            Fernanda helping Mom with deliveries    Special deliveries to the neighbor  Catalina on the streets of Cambio Puente

      Catalina today shares with her children.  It  is  the  only  bakery  in  the  area  and
      Fernanda  helps  her  mother  bake  and  Catalina  is  going  full  speed  ahead
      deliver bread, when she is not at school  delivering   bread   throughout   the
      which she loves.  Special thanks to Mary  community.  She  gets  daily  orders  and
      Kay, for the school uniform and shoes!!  smiles  when  she  says  she  is  in  high

      Catalina is immensely grateful because   demand!
      little  by  little  she  is  equipping  her
      own  bakery.  A  heartfelt  thanks  from   This story is proof of the transformative
      Catalina  and  her  family  for  the  help   power  of  social  assistance,  support,
      from generous people, who believed in   dedication and a person with a postive
      them and their transformation through   attitude towards life can achieve great
      the  construction  of  a  new  house  and   things.
      implementation  of  their  own  business
      that will allow them to leave poverty.                                                                                    PAGE 11
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