Page 15 - HUB South East Annual Report 2020-21
P. 15
FIRst publIC non-doMestIC pAssIvHAus buIldIng In sCotlAnd.
CoMpleted pRojeCt
A fully certi ed passivhaus nursery providing up to 64 spaces for early learning and childcare for 2, 3 and 4 year olds, including enhanced outdoor playscapes.
as all new capital projects are being challenged to drive towards higher performance whilst reducing operational maintenance and running costs over the building lifecycle, an increasingly popular solution is to design to Passivhaus standard, providing a high level of occupant comfort whilst using very little energy for heating and cooling. Preliminary results are consistent with the performance forecasts. Passivhaus is leading to less
tier 1 contractor complete
West lothian Council £1.9m
Morrison Construction january 2021
co2 emissions and heating demand and in terms of whole life costing over 40 years, the Passivhaus model will deliver signi cant savings.
“This is a fantastic new facility that will provide an ideal learning environment for local children. We welcome
the Passivhaus accreditation, with the pioneering design delivering a number of potential bene ts, such as reducing energy use and increasing comfort for staff and children.”
Executive councillor for education, West lothian council, david dodds