Page 17 - HUB South East Annual Report 2020-21
P. 17

pARt oF A unIque eARly yeARs pRojeCt to CoMpARe dIFFeRent buIld types And InFluenCe FutuRe desIgn
CoMpleted pRojeCt
st MARy’s
A traditional build nursery providing up to 64 spaces for early learning and childcare for 2, 3 and 4 year olds, including enhanced outdoor playscapes.
St Mary’s nursery is part of a West lothian council Early years centres £2.7m investment in two nursery buildings in bathgate and blackridge, developed in response to Scottish Government’s commitment to increase funded childcare to 1140 hours per year. two identical looking modern nurseries were built, St Mary’s using current best practice speci cation and blackridge (P15) using Passivhaus. this unique approach allows West lothian
tier 1 contractor complete
West lothian Council £1.2m
Morrison Construction november 2020
council to compare the outcomes from both buildings over time to fully understand the bene ts, costs and performance of different building standards.
“This is another project to enhance West Lothian’s excellent school estate, which is already one of the best in the country. The £1.2m new build will provide the additional pre-school places needed to cope with the additional hours pledged in Bathgate, and will be the perfect place for children to begin their education journey in West Lothian.”
Executive councillor for education, West lothian council, david dodds

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