Page 6 - The Get Her Back Plan PDF E-Book Download Christopher Canwell (Free Doc)
P. 6
I completely understand
these fears because I’ve
seen this happen more
times than I care to
remember, and every
time it happens it’s just
as painful.
If you keep reading,
however, I promise I can show you how to avoid such a devastating situation from
ever happening in your own life.
Imagine what it would
be like to hold hands
with your ex girlfriend
one more time, to touch
her face and make her
smile, to feel her in your
arms again.
That, my friend, is the place I want to take you to.
Okay, I know, I know. Right now, at this very moment your ex girlfriend is probably
acting in a very unpredictable way. She might even be acting moody, bitchy and
disrespectful towards you. In other words, she’s about as far from affectionate as