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1616 McCormick Drive, Largo, MD 20774 | Phone:
Contact: Perry Bishop Associate Professor
Phone: 480-298-8841
For Immediate Release
News Release
UMGC Announces Start of Fall 2020 Courses
PRPA 602 PR Techniques Innovates Student Experience!
Largo, Md., Aug. 12, 2020 – The UMGC School of Arts and Sciences announces the Fall 2020 start of its popular Public Relations Techniques course, PRPA 602. Beginning August 19, PRPA 602 provides students (YOU) with the basic theories and practical applications of public relations techniques students (YOU) can apply to the workplace environment. Historical experience indicates this course works best if students (YOU) have a solid background in the foundations of PR principles and a strong writing ethic, while at the same time working and learning from each other. Studies also indicate that if students (YOU) treat the courses set of comprehensive academic exercises as an opportunity to develop themselves (YOURSELF) professionally.
Recently, the University introduced a Wednesday to Tuesday Academic Calendar schedule. Graduate Professor Bishop, noted, “The Monday to Monday format has been used for hundreds of years in universities throughout the world, with the primary focus benefitting university’s staff and faculty—not students.
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