Page 14 - Welcome To Deep Creek Section 23
P. 14


                                        SEWERAGE SYSTEMS AND DRAINAGE

               Ownership or the use of property in PGI Section 23, is dependent upon the owner or
               user subscribing for the use of the sewage collection system, thereby obtaining the right
               to use the sewer system subject to the payment of hook-up charges and periodic use
               rates  as  prescribed  and  charged  by  the  area  utilities  company  or  the  applicable
               governmental agency or authority. Septic tanks or drain fields shall not be installed on
               the properties.

               The  creation  of  obstructions  or  rechanneling  the  now  or  storm  water  in  the  swales.
               Ditches, storm sewers, or other drainage element is prohibited without the expressed
               approval  of  the  Board  of  Directors  or  the  cognizant  governmental  agency  in  writing.
               Catch  basins,  lakes,  canals,  streams  easements  and  other  topographical  drainage
               elements are designed to accommodate the natural flow of water and rechanneling or
               placing of obstructions in these areas will be considered a violation of these restrictions.

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