Page 2 - 2021 Brochure R2
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KleenPark, launched in 1988 with the On the occasion of celebrating our 30
objective of giving the local vehicle year anniversary, our Founder/
loving public an opportunity to Chairman - Ranjan Ratnasena a
experience scientific & professional professional detailer himself, gifted the
‘Automotive Detailing’ which was total ownership of KleenPark (Pvt)
hitherto unknown to Sri Lanka. Since Limited to his dedicated team of
then the KleenPark concept caught up detailers of three decades, while
fast because of the benefits & fulfilling his conviction that wealth
advantages experienced by our should be equally shared among those
customers. who have rightly earned it. We are
privileged & proud that our mentor has
Employing professionals & using
state-of-the-art equipment & materials volunteered to guide us right along as
in the industry, we ensure the best we journey towards achieving We say a big Thank You to all our loyal
quality & the condition of a vehicle you excellence. customers for their continued support.
are proud to drive in. Through While acknowledging this precious gift We welcome you to any of our
continuous education, training and our from employer to employee, we assure Premium Detail centers to enjoy the
experience of having detailed nearly a our valued customers & vehicle loving KleenPark Experience - you are certain
million vehicles over a period of three public that we as a team promise to to see & feel the difference.
decades, we have kept our promise of take KleenPark to the next level of
delivering only the best. professional Automotive Detailing. The KleenPark Family