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                                  VARIABLES AS DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, AND SELF ESTEEM.


                        Objective:This research aims to scrutinize the possible relationships between the mental
                        health variables including depression, anxiety and self-esteem in the age group of 9 to 12

                        years old children, and the  clues obtained about mental health depending on the drawings

                        made by children. Within the framework of this study in which 120 participants in total take
                        part, The Children's Depression Inventory, The Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory and The

                        State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children are employed to assess the mental health variables

                        in the participants.
                        Method:Correlation analysis is used in comparing the clues obtained about the mental health

                        of the participants depending on their drawings with the scores obtained from research scales.
                        On the other hand, the significance of the effects of demographical characteristics on

                        depression, self-esteem and anxiety is examined through the analysis steps of the “T-test”.

                        Result: Based on the results obtained from the analysis, it is shown that there is a moderate
                        downhill correlation (r  = -.47, p < .01) between the scores obtained from the Coopersmith

                        Self-Esteem  Inventory and the scores on the low self-esteem that are  obtained from the
                        drawings made by  children.  A  moderately significant  (r  =.80, p  < .01) relationship is

                        determined between the scores obtained from the Children's Depression Inventory by Kovacs

                        and the clues on depression that are obtained from the drawings made by children. A
                        relationship  ( r  = .52,  p < .01)  is determined  between the scores obtained from the sub-

                        dimension of State anxiety of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children and the clues

                        about depression that are obtained from the drawings made by children while a moderately
                        significant ( r = .60, p < .01) relationship is determined between the scores obtained from the

                        sub-dimension of Trait anxiety of the Trait Anxiety Inventory and the clues about depression
                        that are obtained from the drawings made by children.

                        Conclusion:Depending on the data obtained from this research, the clues obtained from the

                        drawings made by children can be regarded as a significant instrument in the assessment of
                        mental health. When  evaluated all these data, it would be possible to say  that the present

                        study,  based on the  clues obtained by  parents  and teachers through the drawings, helps
                        children in receiving professional support without any delay, having an accelerated diagnosis

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