Page 12 - Report on Virtual Collaboration Completed
P. 12

Virtual Thai-Indonesia Culture and Vocational Skills Exchange, 2021
                                       Phuket Vocational College, Thailand

                                Metland School, SMKN 3 Denpasar, Indonesia
                                            25th - 27th October

                                            Terms of Reference (TOR)


               The  Covid-19  pandemic  has  hit  the  world,  including  Indonesia,  and  it  has  had
               negative impact on various aspects of life. One of which is in the education sector.

               This resulted in extraordinary changes. Learning that was originally done face-to-
               face in schools turned into distance learning or what is often called on-line learning.
               Schools are "forced" to transform and to adapt instantly to learning from home

               through online media. Various initiatives were carried out to ensure that learning
               activities continued even in the absence of face-to-face sessions.

               Countless  problems  that  arise  have  resulted  in  lessening  the  students  learning

               motivation. Online learning patterns must be made as fun as possible so as to
               produce  quality  learning  outcomes  for  the  students.  Nevertheless,  change  is
               certainly not something easy, therefore distance learning has become a challenge
               for the world of education. By creating various attractive and interactive events,

               we hope to uplift and motivate the students during these hard times.

               Metland School and Phuket Vocational College attempt to create a cultural event
               in  order  to  improve  inter-cultural  understanding  English  communication  of

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