Page 40 - Microsoft Word - materi
P. 40

The hospital, for instance, I saw it. I’m sure I did. There is a

                                              hospital in Hiroshima. How could I Help seeing it? (2505-06)

                                            7.  Puisi
                                              Jika  mengutip  puisi,  yang  perlu  disebutkan  adalah  nomor

                                              bagian (jika ada), kemudian nomor baris.

                                              When Homer's Odysseus comes to the hall of Circe, he finds
                                              his men "mild/in her soft spell, fed on her drug of evil" (10.209

                                            8.  Alkitab

                                              Jika mengutip ayat Alkitab, nama kitab dituliskan diikuti oleh
                                              pasal dan ayat yang dikutip.

                                              Consider the words of Solomon: "If your enemy is hungry, give

                                              him bread to eat; and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink"
                                              (Prov. 25.21).

                                              Jika diperlukan, versi Alkitab dapat disebutkan.
                                              Consider the words of Solomon: "If your enemy is hungry, give

                                              him bread to eat; and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink"
                                              (Prov. 25.21. RSV).

                                            9.  Mengutip dari website atau sumber elektronik

                                              Mengutip  dari  website  sama  dengan  mengutip  dari  bahan
                                              cetak. Jika sumber memiliki pengarang dan nomor halaman,

                                              sebutkan  seperti  pada  sumber  tercetak.  Dan  jika  tidak  ada

                                              nomor halaman, sebutkan nomor paragraf atau tampilan ke

                                              Using  historical  writings  about  leprosy  as  an  example,
                                              Demaitre  argues  that  "the  difference  between  curability  and

                                              treatability is not a modern invention" (29).
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