Page 6 - January 2017 Thoroughbred Highlight
P. 6

Going Forward
Looking Back
Welcome 2017
I remember someone telling me once that you need to know where you have been to know where you are going.
According to “the internet”, the full quote is “Know from whence you came. If you know whence you came, there are absolutely no limitations to where you can go.” attributed to James Baldwin an African- American novelist, essayist, playwright, poet, and social critic.
Over the holidays I had an opportunity to look through some of The Game issues from its very  rst year in 2001. I began reading some of the stories I had written and found that I was enjoying the articles and photos like they were new. As I went through each issue I came across photos and stories of some of the people who are no longer with us or people I know that have moved on and for some I thought “I wonder what they are doing now?” Those pages also reminded
me of some of the fabulous and talented horses that
I have had the pleasure of photographing and writing about.....and this was only in the  rst 12 issues of the 100 issues of The Game that we published.
Advertising Rates:
Full Page: $599 Half Page: $349 Quarter Page: $299 Eighth Page: $175 Teaser Ad: $99 Front Page Banner: $349
With racing on
hiatus for the winter
in Canada I thought
that for this issue of
Thoroughbred Highlight
I would share some of the photos
and tidbits of the stories in The Game from
2001. With the magic of the internet and a few phone calls and emails I was able to bring some of the stories to the present.
The Game was Canada’s Thoroughbred Racing Community Newspaper highlighting a community
like no other. A community that is dependent on the strength of its horses and its hard working people.
A community where we have raised and supported our families and where we all bask in the highs and rally through the lows.
With everything this community has endured over the years I hope you enjoy reading this issue of Thoroughbred Highlight as much as I enjoyed doing it.
Let us remember our past while going forward into our future.~ Stacie Roberts
Advertising Rates & Specs
Thoroughbred Highlight publishes on the 15th of each month Booking & Ad Copy Deadline
is the 13th of each month Contact Stacie Roberts 416-230-5190
Subscribe for FREE
Website Ads: from $499 / month
Rates in Canadian Dollars & are plus applicable taxes
Advertising Specs:
Full Page: 8.5” wide by 10.75” tall
Half Page Vertical: 3.65” wide by 10” tall Half Page Horizontal: 7.5” wide by 4.875” tall
Quarter Page: 3.65” wide by 4.875” tall Eighth Page: 3.65” wide by 2.4375” tall Teaser Ad: 1.83” wide by 2.35” tall
Thoroughbred Highlight - Page 6 - January 2017

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