Page 4 - Patrick Moreau, Jean-Benoit Heron Marine Knots How to Tie 40 Essential Knots
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These knots, rather than mooring a boat, are intended to secure part of the
rigging, such as a coil of rope, an object, a safety rope, or any kind of
• Clove Hitch
• Constrictor Knot
• Cow Hitch
• Fisherman’s Bend
Eyes and Closed Loops
These loops are generally divided into two categories:
1) Sliding eyes close around the object to which they are tied.
• Overhand Loop
• Noose Knot
• Sliding Figure-Eight Knot
2) Non-sliding eyes are used more frequently by sailors because they are
much easier to untie. There are many types of non-sliding eyes.
• Bowline Knot
• Bowline with a Backup Knot
• Bowline with Two Successive Half Hitches
• Portuguese Bowline
• Running Bowline Knot
• Bowline Harness Knot
• Sylvain Knot
• Matthew Walker Knot with One Strand
• Middleman’s Knot
Eyes and Loops in the Middle of a Rope
These knots allow you to have a fixation point in the middle of a rope, even
if you don’t have access to the ends, while still respecting the integrity of
the rope in terms of traction.
• Bottle Sling Knot