Ringmaster_Benefits to Your Stop-Loss RFQ Process_Article
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Benefits to your
Chief Revenue Officer
One of the most important components of our
® Quote-LinQ productis
the RMT Carrier Panel. For TPA’s and Brokers, the Panel ensures real-time access to 22 of the most prominent, Stop-Loss Underwriters and MGUs in
the market. Thus, ensuring broad placement potential and an acceleration of the underwriting proposal process with either existing underwriter relationships or those newly formed. Here’s a snapshot of our current Panel members.
In addition to all important access to the RMT Panel, utilization of Quote-LinQ alsoprovidesanautomatedproposal interface which effectively means no more manual submissions resulting in
a significant reduction in process overhead. It’s also the first solution
to span the complete Stop-Loss procurement cycle eliminating process inefficiencies from market to bind to administer to renew. Other benefits of Quote-LInQ are its data reporting and analytics capabilities which provide
TPA’s and Brokers with the knowledge and tools to make more informed decisionswhenmanagingtheir underwriting partnerships.
For our Panel members, access to new business is a significant benefit via Quote-LinQ and our interface with the David Young Consulting (DYC) ESL office system. But it’s more than the importance of the opportunity to access new business, it’s also about how our transformative technology provides structure to the front-end quote
data for risk selection and the
“Match Index” serving as an underwriting guideline gatekeeper, exclusively for our Panel members.
And because the technology operates for both Underwriters and TPA’s/Brokers, Panel members are afforded the same benefits of enhanced data and analytics, the gains associated with the removal
of highly, manual process steps and reduction of errors and rework which equate to efficiency and ultimately, bottom line gains.
RFQ Process
6 © 2021 by Ringmaster Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2021 by Ringmaster Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
L L i i n n Q Q ’ ’d d • • F Fa a l l l l 2 2 0 0 2 2 1 1
Utilization of Quote-LinQ provides an automated proposal interface which effectively means no more manual submissions resulting in a significant reduction in process overhead.