Page 38 - Marketing Voice Policy H2 2020
P. 38
Margin & Rates : Sales and Purchase
Purchase Margin
OSR Bilateral General Rules
Competitive rate EZR Rules EZ Rules
Net cost Strategy Frozen Specific destinations
Gap Baskets Margin
Purchase rate(OSR) and Market: EZ Reports Rules : General Rules :
no minimum frozen margin % required in
When a bilateral is competitive, then the bilateral cost System allows Account Manager to define deals, however :
base (which may be the OSR or a net cost or a soft net the distribution of traffic to receive or to since H1 2017, possibility to put some
cost) is the reference for any other bilateral or third carrier send for a basket of destinations frozen margin on all OBR destinations
provider => no need to net cost below the bilateral cost Worse Case scenario is obsolete
base EZ Rules ::
Strategy : 2 options Big amounts of unallocated margin not
likely to be used for net costing additional
Without traffic distribution (%): Account amounts of outgoing traffic should be
Manager have to apply same margin/min frozen wherever possible, leaving the
and the same frozen margin/min per split “expected Deal Balance” of the deal to a
minimum level at the end of the period
With traffic distribution (%): The balance
field must be filled : Margin applied can be
different per split. The total of the Specific destinations
distribution must be equal to 100% (So some frozen margin is mandatory for
the margin will be correctly calculated) specific destinations, like France or
footprint destinations
File updated for Monthly catalog
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