Page 3 - The Dreadful Writers Block
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My true inspiration came from my wife who told me I could do it. She believed in
me. I was so afraid of what others would think of me. She told me, "You never
know if you do not try." In 2016, I started to write and offer my services as a
Ghostwriter. A Ghostwriter is someone who writes books for others but does not
get credit for the work.
From 1998 when I graduated High School to 2016, when I started to write again,
I was stuck with an awful obstacle called Writer's Block. What inspired me to
write also and know what to write was my family.
Sometimes finding what helps you with your writer's block can be a challenge.
What may work for your friend or other writers may not work for you. How you
ever come Writer's Block is unique to you, just like your writing style is unique.
These are ideas that help other writers overcome writer's block and find what
works for them. This is more of a guide to unlocking your true potential.
Create a Daily Routine
Practice makes perfect. Creating a daily routine allows you to pick a time a day
that is solely for writing. It does not matter what you are writing. You could be
working on your next big article or freewriting to get your thought down on paper.
The point is, you have a set time of day where you write. It does not need to be
in the morning when you first wake up. Maybe it is at lunchtime or right before
bed. The key is to find a time that you are the most creative and schedule it in.
In the world today, we get swamped, and if it is not scheduled, then you may not
have time to write that day.
Creating a time each day to write will allow you to continue keeping those doors
of creativity open. It is like a teacher having an office hour. You know you can
see them during that time, and they will be available. This is your office hour to
write and be creative.
Do Not Strive to Be Perfect
There is an old saying, "No One is Perfect!" It is the same for writing. A writer
can spend hours, weeks, months, or years trying to find all the imperfections.
There will always be something you do not like or think needs to be different.
When I write a book for a client, I go through a relatively straightforward but
essential process. Yet, there is always something that could be changed to
make it better.