Page 77 - 2022-2023 Creative Writing
P. 77
In recent years, technology is getting more complex and developed and it makes almost everything easy.
Some people think that there are tons of advantages to using the internet but not sure about if it is safe
for people who are using it and not reliable because people are losing their personal information and it is the
biggest problem. From my point of view, the internet is beneficial for our life in so many ways. For example,
we can learn about every topic and also save time.
We have to acknowledge that dangerous situations are being done by unsecured sites, and links and also
personal information are not kept safe. For example, the hackers send links to internet users and make them
believe in unsecured links as people give their bank account code or social platforms' passwords. Obtained
information will be used to steal users' money who got hacked or intimidate them. It is even possible that
hackers watch all of the their movements and kidnap them. However, it will never happen if people are
educated about keeping their personal information safe and secure.
The Internet has a huge positive impact on our personal improvement.
In recent years, technology is developing and we can even learn everything using it. However, just twenty
years ago, a teacher or a tutor was needed to learn any topic and even resources such as books were rare.
Although, nowadays, it totally changed because information about any topic can be obtained from the
internet. There are so many apps and youtube videos which teach us English, for example, doulingo.
Moreover, the internet replaces us and does time consuming jobs instead of us. Last few years, we spent
our time more efficiently than before and did many tasks in a short time because distractions decreased
over time. One example is that people tend to buy their essentials online and which are delivered to their
home. In addition, one advantage is that people can meet their relatives by video call.
All in all, the internet has its own pros and cons as any other field has. However, advantages overweigh
the disadvantage because we have tons of opportunities to learn and save time but internet users need to be
vigilant and keep their personal information safe.
12B Undram .D