Page 6 - Nine Entin Brochure
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COVID-19 SAFETY                                                                                       SAFESTAY                                  E N T I N

            Broad Real Estate has been working diligently to keep the building clean and safe at all times. Addi-                                             9
            tional,  more enhanced cleaning and sanitation services are always available upon request. Below are

            some of the major steps we have taken to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for you.

              To recieve our comprehensive Covid-19 Re-entry plan email                                                            COVID-19


            SIGNAGE                                                        AIR  QUALITY
            Signage  will  be  placed  in  common  areas  reminding        We are improving Air Quality in the building by replacing all
            everyone  to  keep  to  social distancing, wear a mask,        HVAC  systems  filters. The  HVAC  unit  economizers  will  be

            and  in  the  restroom  to  remind  people  to  wash  their    adjusted to allow more fresh air into the office spaces.


            SOCIAL  DISTANCING                                             FAC E  C OVERINGS
            We  strongly recommend  following  the  CDC  guidance          Following   the  CDC  guidelines  for  face  coverings, we  have

            on  social  distancing  during the workday. Alternating        provided our staff with suitable PPE and have instructed all
            lunchtime and ‘eat at your desk’ policy are some good          our service vendors to only come to the building wearing

            ideas. Lobby and Café seating are rearranged to comply         proper  PPE.  We  recommend  our  tenants  provide  their

            with social distancing guidelines. The  security  desk         employees and staff with an adequate number of PPE for the
            has  been  outfitted  with  plexi-glass.                       week along with other vital PPE. Face coverings must be

                                                                           worn in common areas.

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