Page 35 - 아영이 팬티는 노랑 팬티래
P. 35

English story

                    Ah-young retorted without skipping a beat.          Ah-young asked.
                    ((No, you let go first!))
                                                                         Pg 21
                    _TIP                                                “It’s not an embarrassing thing to be strong,
                    Please take care so that your children don’t get tied   but fighting is bad.
                    down                                                Fighting is a bad thing weather you’re a boy or a girl.”
                    by the societal norms of masculinity or femininity,   Ah-Young’s mom answered.
                    but can freely express their own personalities.
                                                                         Pg 22
                     Pg 14                                              “It’s not a good behavior to make jokes
                    Ah-young’s mom was walking by when she saw the      or pull pranks against your friends’ bodies.
                    children.                                           It’s also not right to force certain behaviors
                    “Kids, what are you doing over there?”              based on a person’s gender.”
                    ((Ah-young pulled down my pants!))
                                                                         Pg 23
                     Pg 15                                              The bodies of boys and girls look different,
                    Both Ah-young and Sukhoo blamed each other.         but gender doesn’t change their personalities or what
                    “Oh my, you both are in the wrong.”                 they’re good at.”
                    Ah-young’s mom said, smiling.                       Ah-young’s mom explained, and the kids nodded their
                    ((Sukhoo lifted my skirt first!))                   heads.

                     Pg 17                                               Pg 24
                    “Kids, it’s a very bad behavior to lift your friends’ skirts   “Ah-young, I’m sorry for lifting up your skirt.”
                    or pull their pants down.                           Sukhoo apologized.
                    It’s also bad to open the restroom door when someone   “I’m sorry, too, for pulling down your pants.”
                    is inside.                                          Ah-young apologized as well, and the kids made up.
                    This is because it might expose their buttocks or
                    genitals,                                            Pg 25
                    which are delicate and important parts of their bodies.”
                                                                        Ah-young’s mom treated them to ice cream as a praise.
                                                                        They made up with each other,
                     Pg 18                                              and even got to eat delicious ice cream!
                    Even then, Ah-young and Sukhoo argued               Ah-young and Sukhoo put their arms
                    that the other person was more to blame.            on each other’s shoulders and giggled.
                    “She’s a girl, but she’s really violent.”
                    “Well, you’re a boy, but you cried and whined.”

                     Pg 19
                    “Kids, it’s wrong to think that girls should be gentle
                    and boys shouldn’t cry.”
                    Ah-young’s mom lectured the two of them.
                    “Your behavior doesn’t have to be different based on
                    your gender.”

                     Pg 20
                    “So, it’s not embarrassing for boys to cry?”
                    Sukhoo asked.
                    “Of course, it’s not embarrassing.”
                    “What about being a strong girl that fights well?”

          아영이 팬티는 노랑 팬티래_0905.indd   31                                                                                 2019. 9. 18.   오후 5:49
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