Page 533 - The_story_of_the_C._W._S._The_jubilee_history_of_the_cooperative_wholesale_society,_limited._1863-1913_(IA_storyofcwsjubill00redf) (1)_Neat
P. 533

Chronological Index to Principal Events.
             (The figures in italics provide, references to pages of the narrative.)

         Date.                 Events.
     1795 (June)  .... Hull Anti-Com Mill opened.  {223)
     1816         Sheemess Economical Co-operative Society originated.  {9)
     1827         Meltham Mills Society commenced.  [9)
     1831 (May)   First Owenite Co-operative Congress, at Manchester.  (6)
       „  (Oct.)  Second  Owenite  Co-operative  Congress,  at  Birmingham.
                   North-West  of England United  Co-operative Company
                   projected.  iS)
     1831 (Dec. 12).. The North-West Company opens premises at Liverpool.  {7)
     1832         Third Congress at London.  (7)
       „  (Oct.)  Fourth  Congress at  Liverpool.  Bazaar  of  Co-operative
                   Productions organised by the North-West Company.  (7)
     1833 (April)  Fifth Congress, at Huddersfield.  (7)
     1844         The Christian Socialists start Propaganda.  (10)
         (Oct. 24).. Rochdale Pioneers' Co-operative Society registered.  (10)
     1847         Leeds Co-operative Com Mill opened.  (224)
     1850         Rochdale Com Mill erected.  (10,224)
       „          Christian Socialists form Working Men's Associations.  (11)
       „          E. V. Neale fomids the Central Co-operative Agency in London.
     1851 (April 18). Conference  at  Bury recommends  formation  of  Central
                   Trading Depot.  (13)
       „  (June 13). Manchester Conference appoints a Committee  to Plan a
                   Central Wholesale Depot.  Plan drawn up by Lloyd Jones.
     1852         Central Co-operative Agency (London) goes out of business.
       „          Industrial and Friendly Societies Act passed.  (13)
      1852-3      Co-operative Conferences at London and Manchester report
                   upon establishing Wliolesale Central Depot.  (13-14)
      1856        Rochdale Pioneers' Wholesale Department commenced.  (14)
      1860        The Co-operator commenced publication.  (17)
       „  (Aug. 12).. Tea Party and  Discussion  at Lowbands Farm, Jumbo.
                    Committee appointed to prepare the way for federation.
       „          Conference at Oldham.  (22)
       „  (Oct. 7).... Conference at Rochdale.  (22)
       „  (Dec. 25).. The Committee formed at Jumbo reports to a Conference at
                   Manchester.  Further steps taken to alter the law.  (22)
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