Page 184 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 184

 □  1. No   Number of   N/A     □ 1. No           □  1. No
 BI-45 Unpaid activity in a community-based
 setting   □  2. Yes   hours spent at   □ 2. Yes   □  2. Yes
 □  99. Don’t   activity in     □ 99. Don’t know   □  99. Don’t
 (e.g., volunteer activities, skills training,   typical two-
 community supports)   know   week period:           know
 If the person does more than one activity of   __ __ __
 this type, please refer to the activity at which
 the person has spent the most time in the
 past two weeks.
 □  1. No   Number of   HOURLY WAGE   □ 1. No
 BI-46 Paid work in a community business          N/A
 that primarily hires people with disabilities    □  2. Yes   hours for which  $ __ __ . __ __/hr   □ 2. Yes
 □  99. Don’t   person is paid   □ 99. Don’t know
 In this job, the employees with disabilities   in typical two-
 interact with the non-disabled population;   know   week period:
 this job is NOT in a traditional work program   __ __ __
 and is NOT an enclave. Examples include
 bakeries, carwashes, thrift stores, etc.
 If the person does more than one activity of
 this type, please refer to the activity at which
 the person has spent the most time in the
 past two weeks.

 □  1. No   Number of   TOTAL WAGES   N/A         N/A
 BI-47 Paid work performed in a facility-
 based setting   □  2. Yes   hours for which  EARNED IN TYPICAL
 □  99. Don’t   person is paid   TWO-WEEK PERIOD
 (e.g., traditional work program or work   in typical two-  $_ __ __ . __ __
 activity center; the location has been   know   week period:
 developed specifically to provide work activity   __ __ __
 exclusively for people with disabilities and
 people may be paid sub-minimum wage.)
 If the person does more than one activity of
 this type, please refer to the activity at which
 the person has spent the most time in the
 past two weeks.

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