Page 198 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 198
Before asking question, explain:
When we do the survey, I am going to ask questions about your life, like about where you live
and what you do during the day. There are no right or wrong answers, I just want to hear what
you have to say. Some questions are just for you. I am going to ask a practice question. Is that
If no, ask if there is anything that will help the person feel more comfortable
If yes…
Thank you! Remember this question is just for you [Participant].
D-1. What is your favorite season? What is your favorite time of year?
1. Winter Reliable Answers:
• Any of the seasons
2. Spring
• A holiday typically
3. Summer
associated with a
4. Fall
season (e.g.,
5. Other ________________________________
Thanksgiving or
99. Don’t Know/Unclear response/Unsure Christmas)
• Weather that is
D-1 For surveyor:
typically associated
a. Did the person give a reliable answer? with a season
2. Yes (continue to question D-2) Not reliable answers:
1. No/Unsure (continue to question b.) • I don’t know
• Monday
b. If person did not answer this question reliably, was it due to • My birthday
communication/language challenges (e.g., the person does not
communicate verbally, only communicates yes/no responses)? Requires follow-up
2. Yes (continue to question D-2) • Baseball
1. No (continue to Section II with proxy respondent)
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