Page 227 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 227


               CA-10. If you participate in religious or spiritual practice (either in person or online), did you
                       choose the religious service or spiritual practice?

                       98. Not applicable – person didn’t participate in religious/spiritual practice
                       2. Yes
                       1. No
                       99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response

               74.     Who did you usually go to religious/spiritual practices with?

               Check ALL THAT APPLY.
                       98. Not applicable – person didn’t go out for religious/spiritual practice

                       1. Alone
                       2. Friends
                       3. Family
                       4. Housemates or coworkers
                       5. Staff
                       6. Others not listed
                       99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response

               75.     Think about how often you went to a religious service or spiritual practice in the past
                       month. Would you like to go to religious services or spiritual practices more, less, or
                       the same amount as now?

               Other respondent: Think about the number of times this person went to a religious service or
               spiritual practice in the past month. Do you think this person would like to go to a religious
               service or spiritual practice …

               Respondent: (  ) 1-individual  (  ) 2-family/friend   (  ) 3-staff   (  ) 4-other

                       1. More
                       2. Less
                       3. The same amount as now
                       99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response

               76.     In the past year, did you go away on vacation?

               Other respondent: In the past year, did this person go away on vacation?

               Respondent: (  ) 1-individual  (  ) 2-family/friend   (  ) 3-staff   (  ) 4-other

                    □  2. Yes
                    □  1. No →Code 77 as ‘Not applicable’
                    □  99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response →Code 77 as ‘Don’t know, no
                        response, unclear response’

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