Page 167 - Des Pawson "Knots The Complete Visual Guide"
P. 167
A knowledge of knots is essential for climbers, as their safety
may depend on it. It is important to take care when finishing
these common climbing knots—check the shape is correct
and make sure there are no twists in the rope.
Italian Hitch
» pp.234–35
Used on a safety line by
climbers as it can control
the speed of a fall and the
distance fallen.
A knot that can also be
used for abseiling.
Creates twists in the rope and Similar knots:
causes wear, so best used as » p.235 Reversed
a backup or in an emergency. Italian Hitch
Prusik Knot » pp.228–29
Will slide when not under strain,
so useful for providing handholds
and footholds on ascent and descent.
Extra turns can be added to
give more friction if the
rope is slippery or wet.
Always check
that the
knot is secure Similar knots:
and holds » pp.232–33
under strain. Klemheist Knot