Page 189 - Des Pawson "Knots The Complete Visual Guide"
P. 189
A few simple knots can make camping much easier and
safer. They can be helpful in pitching a tent and transporting
equipment and, in survival situations, can be used to make
a shelter or lash a tarpaulin to trees.
Rolling Hitch » pp.176–77
A hitch that can be used
to secure guy ropes to a
tent peg.
Can be used to apply
tension to a line if your
guy ropes do not have
an adjuster.
Similar knots:
Strain can be applied » pp.178–79
horizontally in one Mirrored
direction, or vertically. Rolling Hitch
Sheer Lashing
» pp.222–24
A lashing that is perfect
for making the frame
of a shelter.
Can also be used to attach
a reinforcing piece of wood
to a broken pole.
If tied loosely at the end Similar knots:
of two poles, it can be » pp.211–14
opened out into an A-frame. Square Lashing