Page 3 - SIS single page
P. 3
Inside this Leadership insight
02 Chairman’s address
04 Message from the Group Managing Director
06 Our commitment
report World of SIS
10 Company overview
14 Operational footprint
16 COVID-19 combat plan
Sustainability agenda
20 Stakeholder engagement
24 Materiality
26 Risk management
28 Strategy
30 Business model
Approach to reporting
This is the first sustainability report of SIS
Limited and is carefully curated to provide our 34 Environment management
stakeholders with information that is key to the
business and how we carry out our business Social
in a responsible way for achieving social and 40 Team SIS
environmental value creation. The report aims
at showcasing SIS’s efforts towards its people, 72 Safeguarding our people during COVID-19
towards the broader society and stakeholders 76 Corporate social responsibility
and its constant endeavour to become a more
ethical and socially responsible organisation.
The report is prepared in accordance with the Governance
GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standards: 82 Corporate governance practices
Core Option. This sustainability report presents 84 Board of Directors
information pertaining to the period of April 01,
2020 to March 31, 2021. In terms of quantitative 87 Policies
performances, data of past three/five years has
been used to showcase a trend.