Page 16 - Meet Bill and Boulevard Realty | How We Intend to Market Your HOme
P. 16

Importance of

               Intelligent Pricing

                Pricing your home correctly from the very start
                is the single most important thing you can do to
                ensure a successful sale - one that is quick and puts
                the most money in your pocket.               Buyers are wary of price-reduced property, thinking
                                                             something might be wrong with it or that it may
                Homeowners are often tempted to set the initial   still be priced too high.
                list price higher than fair market value because
                they think they can simply lower the price later if   Statistics clearly indicate that the longer a proper-
                the property doesn’t sell. Most people don’t realize,   ty is on the market, the lower the final sale price
                however, that setting the price too high in the   will be. Properties that sell in the first four weeks
                beginning can drastically increase the time it takes   typically achieve a sale price within 1.9% of their
                to sell and typically achieves a final sale price that   fair market value. This discount increases to 3/6%
                is well below market value.                  after four weeks on the market, 5.6% after 12
                                                             weeks, and 8/9% after 24 weeks! By  pricing your
                The higher the list price, the more buyers will   home correctly from the start, you greatly increase
                automatically exclude your property from consider-  your chances of selling your home faster and for
                ation. By pricing your property at fair market value,   more money.
                you increase the number of potential buyers.
                                                             As an expert in your neighborhood, I have the
                A listing generates intense interest during its first   knowledge and experience to choose the best list
                two weeks on the market, but activity drops off   price for your property. Our goal is to maximize
                by more than 80% in the third week and beyond   your proceeds while minimizing the time it takes to
                - subsequent price reductions notwithstanding. A   sell your property.
                property that is priced too high will not get the
                necessary attention during this critical period of
                peak activity.

                                                                      Price your home 15% above Fair Market Value
                                                                        and 10% of prospects may buy your home.

                                                                      Price your home 10% above Fair Market Value
                                                                        and 30% of prospects may buy your home.

                                                                     Price your home at Fair Market Value and 60%
                                                                              of prospects may buy your home.

                                                                      Price your home 10% below Fair Market Value
                                                                        and 75% of prospects may buy your home.

                                                                      Price your home 15% below Fair Market Value
                                                                        and 90% of prospects may buy your home.
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