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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 3 | March 2024

                Women's Day Reflections: Insights

               from Women in the Bullion Industry

             In celebration of Women's Day, we reached out to some influential women from different sectors of the bullion
             industry to gain insights into their perspectives. We asked them three key questions regarding the role and
             contribution of women in their segment of the industry today, the changes they envision for harnessing women's
             potential in the future, and the strategies they believe are necessary to achieve these changes. Their responses
             shed light on the evolving landscape of gender diversity and empowerment within the bullion industry.

           Ms Abhinaya S,
           Vice Prisedent, Eventell Global Pvt Ltd
           Many may say there is less representation of women
           in bullion industry. However, I beg to differ. Its been
           20 years for me in this industry and I have met many
           women leaders who are heading large institutions and
           associations. There are stories of women climbing the
           ladder, entrepreneurs making their mark, women taking
           charge of family businesses. I have travelled across
           India and many countries and there definitely is space
           and respect for women in the bullion industry. I have
           absolutely loved my work in bullion industry and ofcourse
           learned a lot and yes still look forward to each day with

           More than change, I believe there has to be belief that
           women can be leaders and path breakers, be it in banks,
           refineries, jewellery, logistics. Because, we have seen
           women in all paralells of our industry & they are doing
           pretty well and supported by the fellow colleagues. If this
           has to further grow, women have to make more space
           for themselves and do activities where they are heard.
           I believe industry should aim at providing opporunities
           not only in offices which involes decision making, but
           also create more space to increase visibility of women
           and their achievements. That can be through focused
           webinars, seminars, women clubs. I also urge the                   Ms Abhinaya S
           industry to look at providing more speaking opportunities
           to women in conferences, awards dedicated to women,
           curated sessions for women, etc.                   people and I am sure they will be supportive of the ideas
                                                              which will create better platforms for women.

           We should start making a change from home, I mean
           from our offices. We should look around and see    On behalf of Bullion World, I would like to propose
           how many women are working in our offices, what    a global women club "PreciousWomen", which can
           opportunities are we giving them, trust them to lead and   be focused on success stories of women in bullion
           take decisions, get them to travel and explore. In my 20   and also provide curated information on industry,
           years of experience, I have seen some very wonderful   opportunities and content for continuous learning.

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