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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 5 | May 2024

              LBMA Response to Concerns Regarding

              Human Rights Abuses and Presence of

                   Illegal Gold in Global Supply Chain

           Civil society engagement                           enables stakeholders to anonymously report concerns
           The LBMA acknowledges the challenges in the gold   related to mineral supply chains, triggering investigations
           supply chain and appreciates your input towards    by the implicated Refiners. Non-compliance may result
           enhancing the Responsible Gold Guidance (RGG). Since   in GDL status suspension. LBMA stresses responsible
           its inception in 2012, the RGG has evolved, covering   engagement over disengagement in high-risk areas,
           85%-90% of global gold production, and is vital for   aligning with OECD Guidance. Allegations of inadequate
           access to the Loco London market. Recognizing LBMA's   due diligence lack credible evidence and are addressed
           role in setting industry standards, particularly regarding   promptly, reflecting both regulatory requirements and
           human rights and illegal gold, is crucial for aligning EU   market demand for assurance.
           practices with global best practices. Failure to recognize   LBMA underscores the importance of discerning
           these standards would leave the EU industry without a   media reports from factual evidence, employing a
           framework, hindering progress.                     thorough Incident Review Process (IRP) overseen by
           LBMA emphasizes the importance of engaging with    the Compliance Panel. Only credible allegations warrant
           civil society organizations (CSOs) for oversight and   public announcement of an IRP, as unsubstantiated
           improvement of the Responsible Sourcing Programme.   claims risk damaging a Refiner's reputation unfairly.
           Bilateral discussions and planned events like the CSO   LBMA's cautious approach ensures fair treatment while
           roundtable during the 2024 OECD Forum demonstrate   upholding industry standards and customer trust.
           LBMA's commitment to constructive exchanges and
           continuous improvement. LBMA seeks to enhance      Transparency
           CSO involvement in the assurance process, aiming   LBMA highlights its efforts to enhance transparency in
           for effective collaboration and reflection of CSO   the gold supply chain, particularly through updates in
           perspectives in supplier reviews.                  the Responsible Gold Guidance (RGG) and Disclosure
                                                              Guidance. These revisions broaden reporting
           Due Diligence                                      requirements, emphasizing accuracy in country of origin
           Regarding due diligence practices among Good Delivery   data, disclosure of recycled material, identification
           List (GDL) Refiners, LBMA emphasizes adherence to   of high-risk suppliers, and enhanced due diligence
           stringent standards. All GDL Refiners are obligated   measures. While LBMA aggregates industry information
           to continuously assess and mitigate risks, drawing on   for contextual understanding, individual Refiners are
           intelligence from credible sources and employing on-  responsible for their own disclosures.
           the-ground agents for due diligence support. LBMA's   LBMA commits to ongoing improvements in
           involvement in the Minerals Grievance Platform (MGP)   transparency, considering feedback, governance, and

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