Page 25 - Football Victoria Empowering Lives through Football Initiative
P. 25

Program Delivery

                 Date                                            Session                                        Responsible                   Timeline

               Monday                    Session 1 : THIS IS ME. THIS IS WHO I WANT TO BE                     Nick Hatzoglou and              Week 5 - 12
            August 17th –                                                                                   Making Media Australia

             October 12th                         Session 2: WHAT’S STOPPING ME?

                                                   Session 3: NO ONE CAN STOP ME

                                                     Session 4: MY SUPERPOWERS

                                              Session 5: GROWING MY SUPERPOWERS 1

                                              Session 6: GROWING MY SUPERPOWERS 2

                                             Session 7: GROWING MY SUPERPOWERS  3

                                              Session 8: SHOWING MY SUPERPOWERS 4
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30