Page 133 - John Fawkner College SIPP Flipbook V3
P. 133

            humanities Year 10

                            Session 9:                                              Session 10:                                               Session 11:                                            Session 12:

                       Civil Rights in Sport                                   Civil Rights in Sport                          Nelson Mandela and the Struggle for                                Assessment Task

                                                                                                                                   Human Rights in South Africa
          Learning intentions:                                 Learning intentions:                                         Learning intentions:                                  Learning intentions:
          To examine the impact Civil Rights had in sport.     To analyse Civil Rights in boxing and Mohammed Ali.          To examine the work done by the late Nelson Mandela for   To complete an essay on Civil Rights.
                                                                                                                            South Africa.

          Starter:                                             Starter:                                                     Starter:                                              Students are to spend two sessions during class time to
          •  Review on what the students have learnt so far    Why was boxing offered to African Americans as one of the    Who was Nelson Mandela? A brief overview of his life.  complete their essay.
              about Civil Rights.                              sports they can only compete in the 1900s?
                                                                                                                            Main activity                                         Essay topic:
          Warm-up activity (Pre-Test):                         Main activity                                                •  Students are to complete the worksheet (on shared
          •  So what have we learnt so far Sport having a major   •  Discuss with the students why African Americans were      drive) on Nelson Mandela.                          “The Civil Rights Movement was aimed at achieving equal-
              infuence with Civil Rights?                          allowed to compete in Boxing.                            •  Apartheid                                          ity before following the law”. Discuss by making reference
          •  What was happening in America and the civil rights   •  Case Study: Joe Louis                                  •  What was it?                                       to Martin Luther King Jr & Mandela.
              movements?                                       •  Students are to research and explain why Joe Louis was    •  When was apartheid created?
          •  Why did it take so long for African Americans to be   regarded as a Civil Rights pioneer.                      •  What role did Nelson Mandela play to stop apartheid?  Once Essay is complete, students need to complete their
              accepted into sport?                             •  Reading Activity on Joe Louis and his achievements in box-  •  Students use following web                       post test.
                                                                   ing and Civil Rights movement.                           •
          Main activity                                        •  Case Study: Mohammed Ali                                     J6r_YnLmrcCFQhjpQodmiIAVg#!home
          •  Discuss with the students what happened at the    •  Students are to research and explain Mohammed Ali’s       •  Find images about apartheid.  Write 1-2 sentences
              Berlin Olympics in 1936.                             achievements in boxing and civil rights movement..          for each image!
          •  Case Study: Jesse Owens                                                                                        •  What was the “Separation of Amenities Act” & what
          •  As a class, read through the information of Jesse   Documentary                                                   was its impact in the South African society!
              Owens and what he achieved at the 1936 Olym-     Show students documentary on Mohammed Ali.                   •  Students complete mind maps of Mandela---- provide
              pics.                                                                                                            A3 poster paper.
          •  Students are required to discuss why the Germans
              were shocked by Jesse Owens winning four gold                                                                 Movie
              medals.                                                                                                       Show the movie Invictus
                                                                                                                            Allow two sessions for the movie. Students are to review
          Documentary                                                                                                       the movie and express their point of view.
          Jesse Owens Documentary and the 1936 Berlin Olym-

          Writing Prompt:
          Students need to complete the writing prompt “Jesse
          Owens proved to the Germans that the Ayran race was
          not as dominant as it was told to be by the Nazi elite”


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