Page 12 - HARLEM LIVE Student Radio Broadcast Proposal - January 2023
P. 12

12  HARLEM LIVE 2021



   Content produced by students may include...

  BE LIKE THEM in HARLEM                                     BACK TO THE FUTURE HARLEM

  Students interviewing HARLEM school alumnae
  who have succeeded in their chosen fields.                 A roundtable involving a panel of HARLEM
                                                             principals, discussing the evolution of HARLEM
  THE 21st CENTURY CHALLENGE                                 education over the generations.

  Student roundtable discussion about growing up
  as a young person in HARLEM in the 21st century.           I LOVE HARLEM

                                                             Students interviewing those people and
  HARLEM ED SHOWS                                            organisations who have added value to their

  Students co-hosting faculty shows with their               local community.
                                                             NEXT-GEN HARLEM
  HARLEM EXTRA                                               The HARLEM community discussing what

  Students co-hosting shows about school, local or           its schools will look like (and need to look like)
  professional sport, performing arts, debating and          in 10 years.
  other extracurricular programs.
                                                             HARLEM RESPECT
  HARLEM PARENTING JOURNEYS                                  Students from each participating school come

  Parent, teacher and student roundtable                     together to interview high profile community
  discussion about parenting young people                    thought leaders and influencers about gender
  in the 21st century.                                       equality, domestic violence and respect for
  TEACHING FOR IMPACT in                                     HARLEM HEALTH

  HARLEM                                                     A think tank of students, teachers, parents and
  Teacher and student roundtable discussion                  health professionals discussing health issues
  about teaching and learning in HARLEM schools              faced by young people – the reality, challenges,
  in the 21st century.                                       and a way forward.

  Students broadcasting original musical
  performances to a local, national and global
  radio audience.
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