Page 7 - BE LIKE HER LIVE on LIVE FM produced by Marcellin College
P. 7

Jill Fitzsimons

          Director of Professional Learning & Pedagogy,
                         Marcellin College

                                                                                 Suzanne Farley
                                                                       Deputy Principal (Learning & Teaching),
                                                                                  Marcellin College
 Marcellin College, and LIVE FM,

 would like to thank the following

 women for particpating in

 BE LIKE HER LIVE on MARCELLIN LIVE,   Director, Because, Vice President MCCA, current
                          Pamela Frost

 and for being wonderful role models   parent, Marcellin College

 for the students in our community.

                                                                                     Lisa Gilles
                                                                    Executive Assistant, Marcellin College, current
                                                                     staff member and parent, Marcellin College

                     Karen Livingston AM
              Head of Fundraising and Development,
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