Page 159 - John Fawkner College SIPP Booklet V1
P. 159

humanities Year 10

Session 13: Session 14: Session 15:

Group assessment Presentations Summary & Reflection

Learning intentions: Learning intentions: Learning intentions:
Work in pairs researching the history of a chosen sport Present the history of individual sports to the class. To gain an Refect on the various topics learnt throughout the unit
understanding of the history of various sports. and summarise the key points.

Starter: Starter: Starter:

Warm-up activity (Pre-Test): Main activity Main activity
Students will present an overview of their sport to the class, • Post test
using their poster as a prompt • Flipchart summarising the history of sport unit
Main activity • Refection with students
Students will use class time to work on their assess- Resources:
ment task Resources:



Table of Contents
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