Page 174 - John Fawkner College SIPP Booklet V1
P. 174

Unit: World War II

week 1

Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:

Getting knowledge ready WWII Propaganda The End of World War One and the World War II Germany’s assault

Rise of Hitler on Europe

Learning intentions: Learning intentions: Learning intentions: Learning intentions:
To gain an understanding about World War II. To examine and understand the effects of propaganda on the To examine how World War II started and what led up to Discuss the effect that match fxing has on sport
civilian population. it.

Starter: Starter: Starter: Starter
Explain to the students that we are studying WWII Prior Knowledge activity, write down on the board what the stu- Brief overview on World War I from teacher. Prior Knowledge activity, write down on the board what
because it is a part of curriculum and the war stopped dents learnt from last lesson. the students learnt from last lesson.
a number of sporting events, which included the Olym- Warm-up activity:
pics and the World Cup Warm-up activity: Students are to brainstorm their knowledge on WWI. Warm up activity
• Word splash: How did the Central Powers lose the war? Students are reminded of the intentions of Hitler.
Warm-up activity (Pre-Test): • Propaganda, infuence, media, hate and discrimination. The Treaty of Versailles Teacher to mention about Hitler’s plans to annex Austria,
• Students are to brainstorm their knowledge on • Provide Oxford meaning of Propaganda. Czech and Poland.
WWII. • Class discussion Main activity
• Ask students to answer the question Questions for students to complete Main activity
• “What do you want to learn about WWII”. Questions: • What front collapsed which allowed the German’s to • Teacher discusses the following topics (use the fip-
• Word splash (key WWII terms) • Have you seen any form of propaganda? have more men? chart WWII German Assault) as a guide.
• Documentary: • If so where did you see it and what was it about? • What did the German’s do in March 1918? • Discuss following topics
• Show students a quick overview documentary • How did you react when you saw it? Did you believe it or • Which country joined the war to help the Allies? • The war begins: The invasion of Poland.
about WWII. ignore it? • What happened on November 11 1918? • France and England declare war on Germany.
• • Class discussion. • Hitler turns his attention to the West.
The Treaty of Versailles • France Surrender
Main activity • Class discussion on the Treaty of Versailles. • Who can stop the Germans? Preparations to invade
• On the share drive, there is a fipchart about the Main activity • Why was it signed and who did it beneft? Great Britain.
overview on WWII. As a class read through and • Discuss with the class about Nazi propaganda. Mention • What did the treaty do to Germany? • Students are to answer questions from the text book
discuss key issues and events. Joseph Gobbles • The Rise of Adolf Hitler History Alive 10.
• Explain to the students about how Hitler’s Nazi • Writing prompt: Imagine you are a person living in Germany Who was Adolf Hitler? • Conclude the lesson with the documentary Divide and
Germany was very powerful. during 1933-1938, one of your best friend is Jewish. • How was he heavily involved in the politics of Germa- Conquer.
• Discuss key issues and ideas. • How would you feel about what is happening in Germany? ny?
• Show students a documentary about Hitler’s rise What can you see? What is happening to your nation? Do • What were his views? Resources:
to power. you agree with the racial remarks directed towards the Jew- • Hitler’s rise to power
ish people or disagree? Why? 150-200 words.
Resources: • Conclude the lesson with a propaganda documentary. Documentary
The Rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.

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