Page 23 - John Fawkner College SIPP Booklet V1
P. 23
English Year 10
Session 5: Session 6: Session 7: Assignment finalise Session 8:
Biographies Assessment Prep information gathering and draw up bio Student presentation
Learning intentions: Learning intentions: Learning intentions: Learning intentions:
To examine the purpose of biographies. To understand the expectations of the assessment task. Students will create ‘entertaining’ information about their Students are required to present their oral presentation on
chosen athlete to include in their biography. their selected athlete.
Key Vocabulary: Key Vocabulary: Key Vocabulary: Key Vocabulary:
Autobiography, Biography, Evidence, Informative, Bias N/A Entertaining, news, informative N/A
Starter Starter Starter Starter
Prior Knowledge activity, what is the difference Students are required to complete an oral presentation on their What type of language is used when delivering Prior Knowledge activity, why do people write about their
between a biography and autobiography. selected athlete. entertaining news to an audience experiences? Brainstorm student’s ideas on the board.
Warm-up activity: Focus question: What types of interesting questions can you Main activity Main activity
• Discuss with the class what the purpose of a biog- formulate on your chosen sports character? • Teacher to model example of entertaining informa- • Students are to present their oral presentations.
raphy is. tion’ (refer to fipchart) • Students can be flmed as they self-refect on their
• Are biographies usually written to criticise the per- Main activity • Brainstorm … ‘what is entertaining news’? (e.g. con- performance?
son or to enhance their reputation? Students are • Confrm your chosen athlete and all information used web- troversial, special event, drug use, recent marriage or • A whole of period activity
to write their point of view. sites and books) with your teacher. kids, etc
• • Students are to fnd an entertaining piece of infor-
Main activity • Research ‘informative’ (background) information and look mation regarding your chosen athlete and write up a
• Biography on Cristiano Ronaldo (case study 1) at questions to be asked. paragraph using ‘language’ to engage your reader.
• Reading activity, discuss key issues and terms • Remember, if you don’t start out interesting beginnings no- • Students are to continue working on their oral presen-
used in the biography of Cristiano Ronaldo. http:// one will want to listen to your interview. tation and ensure including entertaining news in their • Students need to use their laptops to construct a PowerPoint athletes biography.
do-555730?page=1 presentation.
• Students are to write a 100-150 word response on • Rubric and questions sheet is to be provided by the teacher.
their view on Ronaldo after reading his biography. • Students are required a maximum of 2-3 (class time) ses-
• Biography on Michael Jordan (case study 2) sions on their assessment task.
• Reading activity, discuss key issues and terms used
in the biography of Michael Jordan.
• Students are to write a 100-150 word response on
their view on Jordan.
Prepare to write about a person you admire. Research
their background. For example when and where were
they born, their
achievements, etc.
Table of Contents