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-  Getting into highly rejective colleges is difficult because they have strict

                              admission standards.
                           -  Students often feel nervous applying to highly rejective colleges due to the

                              high competition and low acceptance rates.

                11. Regional public universities (RPUs):
                       o  Pronunciation: /ˈriʤənəl/ /ˈpʌblɪk/ /ˌjunəˈvɜrsətiz/

                       o  Meaning: Public universities that serve specific regions or communities.

                       o  Example sentences:
                           -  Regional public universities offer affordable education to students living in a

                              specific area.

                           -  Many students choose regional public universities for their accessible tuition
                              and quality programs.

                           -  Attending a regional public university allows students to stay close to home
                              while pursuing higher education.

                12. First generation college students:
                       o  Pronunciation: /fɜrst/ /ˌʤɛnəˈreɪʃən/ /ˈkɑlɪʤ/ /ˈstudənts/

                       o  Meaning: Students who are the first in their families to attend college.

                       o  Example sentences:
                           -  Many first-generation college students face unique challenges but also bring

                              fresh perspectives to campus.
                           -  Support programs for first-generation college students help them navigate the

                              academic and social aspects of university life.
                13. Student loan debt:

                       o  Pronunciation: /ˈstudənt/ /loʊn/ /dɛt/

                       o  Meaning: Money borrowed by students to pay for college tuition and other
                           expenses, which must be repaid with interest.

                       o  Example sentences:

                           -  Student loan debt is money that students borrow to pay for college tuition and

                           -  Many students graduate with student loan debt, which they must repay after
                              finishing their education.

                           -  Managing student loan debt is important to avoid financial difficulties in the
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