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P. 33
o Meaning: A structured summary or plan of the main points or topics in a piece
of writing or speech.
o Example sentence:
8. Class notes:
o Pronunciation: /klæs/ /noʊts/
o Meaning: Written records of information, explanations, or instructions provided
during a lecture or class.
o Example sentence:
9. Synergistic:
o Pronunciation: /ˌsɪnərˈʤɪstɪk/
o Meaning: Producing a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate
effects; working together harmoniously.
o Example sentence:
10. Condense:
o Pronunciation: /kənˈdɛns/
o Meaning: To make something shorter or more concise by removing unnecessary
details or information.
o Example sentence:
11. Study group:
o Pronunciation: /ˈstʌdi/ /ɡrup/
o Meaning: A small group of students who meet regularly to review course
material, discuss concepts, and prepare for exams together.
o Example sentence:
12. Mastery:
o Pronunciation: /ˈmæstəri/
o Meaning: Comprehensive knowledge or skill in a particular subject or activity;
o Example sentence:
13. Accountability:
o Pronunciation: /əˈkaʊntəbɪlɪti/
o Meaning: The state of being answerable or responsible for one's actions or
o Example sentence: