Page 10 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 08 September 2022_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 09 | September 2022

           Facilitating Gems and

           Jewellery Exports Through

           Trade Agreements: India-UAE

           Comprehensive Economic

           Partnership Agreement (CEPA)

           Arpita Mukherjee and Eshana Mukherjee

                                             As India embarks on the path of   pandemic related supply chain
                                             signing trade agreements with its   disruption and growing competition
                                             key export markets, exporters are   from certain countries like the Turkey
                                             optimistic about the benefits of tariff   in light weight gold jewellery.
                                             reduction on enhancing their export
                                             competitiveness in markets such   While there seems to be an
                                             as the United Arab Emirates (UAE).   immediate gain, an impact of any
                                             After the India-UAE Comprehensive   trade agreement must be looked
                                             Economic Partnership Agreement    in the context of rise in exports,
                                             (CEPA) came into effect on May    imports, development of value
                                             01, 2022, there has been a surge   chains and in attracting investment.
                                             in gems and jewellery exports to   In the case of gems and jewellery,
                                             the UAE. For example, exports of   India does not have the key raw
                  Mrs Arpita Mukherjee       ‘gold jewellery’ saw an increase of   materials, and is a net importer of
                   Professor, ICRIER         17 percent, from April to June 2022,   gold and diamond. India is among
                                             compared to a fall of 37 percent   the top global processing hubs.
                                             between April and June in 2021.   Under the India-UAE CEPA, India
                                             The CEPA agreement reduced the    has given phased tariff elimination
                                             import duty on jewellery, including   and specified tariff rate quota for
                                             ‘gold jewellery’ and ‘cut and polished   imports from UAE. ‘Gold jewellery’
                                             diamonds,’ exported from India to   imports are now allowed, up to 2.5
                                             the UAE, from five percent to zero.   tonnes, at one percent duty less than
                                             This seems to have helped the Indian  applicable, over 10 years. For other
                                             exporters who have been facing a   jewellery items such as ‘cut and
                                             tough time due to the COVID-19    polished diamonds’, select ‘coloured

                                             Authors can be reached at
                                    and respectively. Views are personal.

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