Page 32 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 08 September 2022_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 09 | September 2022


              BIS: Gold Jewellery                               Gold ETFs Log Rs 457 Crore

              Hallmarking Recorded                              Outflow in July

              Notable Surge
                                                                Gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) witnessed a net
                                                                outflow of Rs 457 crore in July as investors parked
              The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
                                                                their money in other asset classes as part of their
              announced that the mandatory hallmarking
                                                                portfolio rebalancing strategy. This was in comparison
              requirement which came into force in mid-June     to a net inflow of Rs 135 crore in June, data with the
              this year has witnessed huge success. There       Association of Mutual Funds in India (Amfi) showed.
              has been a notable surge in the volume of
              hallmarked jewellery items, it said.              Kavitha Krishnan, Senior Analyst Manager Research at
                                                                Morningstar India, said that significant outflows seem
              Around 3.7 crore jewellery articles were          to have risen out of investors’ expectations of a rising
              hallmarked during the initial quarter (April-June   interest rate cycle leading to a fall in gold prices, thus
              ’22) of the current fiscal year. Also, nearly 8.68   impacting the net flows into the gold ETFs. Also, a
              crore jewellery articles were hallmarked in the   falling rupee is another factor that has likely impacted
                                                                the demand and supply dynamics of gold. This trend
              previous fiscal year ended 30th March, 2022.
                                                                has been witnessed globally too, with gold ETF’s
              The statement further noted that the number
                                                                posting significant outflows on the back of lower gold
              of BIS registered jewellers have surged higher
                                                                prices, she added.
              significantly from 43,153 in July last year to as

              many as 1.43 lakhs in August this year. Over
                                                                “This outflow could be directed toward money being
              the same period, the count of BIS-recognized      diverted from gold to other asset classes as a part of
              Assaying and Hallmarking Centres have             a portfolio rebalancing strategy," Priti Rathi Gupta,
              increased from 948 to 1,201.                      Founder of LXME, said. The outflow has pulled down
                                                                the asset under management of the category to Rs
              The first phase of mandatory hallmarking had      20,038 crore last month from Rs 20,249 crore in June.
              covered 14 carat, 18 carat and 22 carat gold
              jewellery articles. The second phase covered      However, the category saw a slight increase in the
              additional cartages-20carat, 23 carat and 24      number of folios by over 37,500 to 46.43 lakh during the
              carat. Also, it covered more number of districts.   period under review. This suggests that investors are
                                                                likely continuing to invest in gold ETF’s as a means to
              Several more districts would be covered under
                                                                diversify their portfolio and hold the financial instruments
              the mandatory gold hallmarking order in future.
                                                                a hedge against market risks, Krishnan said.

              The mandatory hallmarking ensures purity of
                                                                So far in the current fiscal (till July) 2022-23, the
              gold purchased by customers. It also offers
                                                                segment attracted Rs 982 crore. Gold ETF, which aims
              them higher resale or exchange value for gold     to track the domestic physical gold price, are passive
              jewellery and artefacts.                          investment instruments that are based on gold prices
                                                                and invest in gold bullion.
                                                                In short, gold ETFs are units representing physical gold
                                                                which may be in paper or dematerialised form. One
                                                                gold ETF unit is equal to 1 gram of gold and is backed
                                                                by physical gold of very high purity. They combine the
                                                                flexibility of stock investment and the simplicity of gold

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