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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 11 | November 2022
               Rise and Shine: Facilitating Gems and

               Jewellery exports from Indian SEZs

               Mrs Arpita Mukherjee, Dr Nida Rahman and Ms Eshana Mukherjee                1

               This article examines the implication of DESH Bill                  Therefore, the SEZ units are in an
               (2022) for gems and jewellery units located in                      unfavourable situation where (1) the
                                                                                   fiscal incentives have to be phased
               Indian SEZs and lays down recommendations to                        out in agreement with the WTO
               enhance exports from Indian SEZs.                                   ASCM and (2) other countries like
                                                                                   China, Turkey, etc. are supporting
               India is a key exporter of gems and   are located in both multi-product and  their SEZs with a competitive
               jewellery products. In 2021, India’s   single-product SEZs.  There are four   package of WTO compliant subsidies
               exports of gems and jewellery stood   single-product gems and jewellery   and non-fiscal incentives like reverse
               at USD 38.15 billion, recording an   SEZs, whereas 25 multi-product-  job work, which are not available
               annual growth of around 56 percent   operational SEZs, such as Santacruz   to the Indian SEZs. The share of
               from FY 2020.  In FY 2021 vis-a-vis   Electronics Export Processing Zone   exports from SEZs to total exports
               FY 2020, India’s exports climbed up   (SEEPZ) (Mumbai, Maharashtra)   declined to 17.7 percent in 2021-22.
               in new product categories such as   have gems and jewellery units.
               coloured gemstones and lab-grown   The single-product SEZs include   To become WTO compliant, Indian
               diamonds. India is the top exporter   Manikanchan in Kolkata, West   SEZs need to redesign its incentive
               of cut and polished diamonds and   Bengal; Surat SEZ in Surat, Gujarat,   package. The fiscal incentives
               ranks 2nd in gold and silver jewellery   Hyderabad Gems SEZ Limited in   should not be a drain on the
               exports.  The sector meets a large   Hyderabad, Telangana, and Jaipur   government budget and the benefits
               part of its raw material requirement,   Special Economic Zone, Sitapur,   of the incentives, such as growth in
               such as raw gold and rough        Jaipur, Rajasthan. Exports from SEZs  exports, must outweigh the costs
               diamonds, from imports.           was around 30 percent of the total   associated with the incentives. While
                                                 gems and jewellery exports in 2019-  designing the incentives, it is also
               Globally, many countries have     2020.                             pertinent to see that the incentives
               harnessed Special Economic Zones                                    doesn’t become the sole reason for
               (SEZs) in their export promotion   However, lately, the gems and    the firms to re-locate from Domestic
               strategies. India set up its first Export  jewellery units in Indian SEZs are   Tariff Area (DTA)  to SEZs and vice
               Processing Zone (EPZ) in Kandla,   facing an uncertain operational   versa. Given these complexities
               Gujarat, in 1965. As of November,   environment as the export-linked   and given that both Centre and
               2021, there were around 5604      subsidies offered under the Indian   states offer multiple incentives, we
               units in Indian SEZs, contributing   SEZ regulation have come under the   conducted an online pilot survey
               around 35 percent to India’s total   scanner for non-compliance with the   covering 14 SEZs units, 19 DTA
               exports, and generating employment   WTO’s Agreement on Subsidies and   retailers and 5 DTA manufacturers
               for 25,60,286 persons.  Around    Countervailing Measures (ASCM).   (total 38 online survey respondents)
               500 gems and jewellery units had   The United States of America (USA)   and 4 stakeholders’ consultations to
               located in the Special Economic   challenged a number of Indian     examine the present status of gems
               Zones (SEZ), primarily motivated by   export promotion schemes, including  and jewellery units in the Indian
               3 benefits offered in an SEZ; (i) zero   the incentives given to SEZ units   SEZs, the issues faced by them and
               duty imports, (ii) better infrastructure   conditional upon the unit being a   suggests a way forward.
               and ease of doing business, and (iii)   net foreign exchange earner as an
               availability of fiscal and non-fiscal   export linked prohibited subsidy, in
               benefits. Gems and jewellery units   the WTO and won the case in 2019.


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