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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 08 | August 2022

           use of correct PPE, and health examination of working                Mr Arjun Raghavendra M,
           personnel, besides upgrading the capabilities of the                 Advocate, IGPC- IIMA on the
           refinery to comply with norms.                                       export of gold/silver bullion from
                           India: As per Schedule 2- Export
           Debasish_Bhattacharjee.pdf                                           Policy – ITC(HS) 2018 Chapter
                                                                                71, which is pertaining to gold and
                             Mr Rakesh Kumar Bhan,                              silver and based on Export Policy
                             MD, Fischer Measurement                            & Policy Condition there is no
                             Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd.,   restriction on the export of gold or silver bullion from
                             presented on benefits of EDXRF   India. Also, there is no mention of any value-addition
                             as a preferred technology to     norms. So, when conditions are favourable, Indian
                             measure precious metals content   refiners may explore the exportation of bullion. Now
                             in alloys. He also elaborated    that IIBX has become operational, it can provide a new
                             the effect of various parameters   opportunity for Indian refiners.
           such as resolution of the detector, pulse processor,
           collimator, measuring distance, measuring time, and   Raghavendra.pdf
           calibration on the accuracy and reproducibility of the
                           Mr Suresh Kumar Banga, Vice
           Rakesh_Kumar_Bhan.pdf                                                President, Bright Metal Refiners
                                                                                on Opportunities to grow Indian
                                                                                refining sector: Nominated
                             Ms Kristina Kern, Project
                             Manager, Technology                                banks are permitted to support
                                                                                refiners in sourcing gold dore. The
                             Development, Krastsvetmet,
                                                                                government (or RBI) should make
                             along with her colleague Mr
                             Stanislav Turevich delivered                       necessary regulatory changes
                                                              to enable nominated banks to source dore for the
                             a presentation on “Recent
                                                              refiners. Second, the duty differential between dore
                             advances in gold dore refining”.
                                                              bar and standard bullion should be increased from the
                             She outlined the need for        present level to make refining operations viable. Third,
           different methods of refining based on silver and PGM
                                                              refiners are permitted to import a certain portion of
           contents. The use of an additional precipitator in dore
                                                              their licensed quantity dore as ‘duty-free’ (against a
           containing PGMs leads to increased recovery of gold.   bank guarantee) to be refined and given to jewellery
           Krastsvetmet has also developed a new dissolution   manufacturer-cum-exporters for manufacturing and
           method for refining 20% + silver dore. She concluded   export of jewellery.
           by saying that her company is open to technology
           know-how transfer.                                 Suresh_Banga.pdf
           Kristina_Kern.pdf                                                    Mr Manish Goel, Head-Bullion,
                                                                                ICICI Bank Ltd on Reviving
           Discussion- Gold Refining: Addressing Challenges                     GMS: Removing tenure restriction,
           and Unleashing Opportunities                                         providing tax benefits for deposits

                                                                                greater than one year, removing
                             Moderator: Mr Karthik C,                           ‘fear of taxman’, and focus on
                             Surabhi Bullion                                    investment gold rather than
                                                                                jewellery can create interest
                             Panellists:                      in the potential investor. Likewise, making gold
                             Mr Arjun Raghavendra M,          collected under STGD eligible for CRR, loans against
                             Advocate, IGPC- IIMA             GMS deposits, joint promotions and digitization can
                             Mr Suresh Kumar Banga,           incentivise banks.
           Vice President, Bright Metal Refiners    
           Mr Manish Goel, Head-Bullion, ICICI Bank Ltd       Manish_Goel.pdf

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