Page 12 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 11 November 2022_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 11 | November 2022
this sector including WTO compliant measure. There is need for a robust capability building and training and
incentives, the Government of SEZ policy which clearly mentions brand building. Globally, some of
India is coming up with the DESH quantifiable performance indicators the prominent gems and jewellery
Bill (2022). While this bill is likely to and eliminates difficult to measure exporting countries are offering
introduce non-fiscal incentives such performance indicators. There is also non-fiscal incentives like reverse
as reverse job work to the SEZ units a need to clearly define terms like job work to the units. In India too,
and enhance the ease of entry and reverse job work and manufacturing non-fiscal incentives like reverse job
exit for investors, the policy needs services, so that incentives can be work can help to address some of
to have clarity on (a) the kind of WTO compliant. the concerns faced by firms in SEZs
WTO compliant fiscal incentives including seasonality of demand, but
that can be provided to the units in There is also a need to examine what such incentives need to take into
Development hubs and how these kind of fiscal incentives are offered account three factors (a) they should
compare with the benefits offered by competing countries. As the SEZ not lead to relocation of firm from
in the DTA (b) the performance units await a new and robust policy, DTA simply to claim the incentives
criteria and its measurement, it is important to recognize the need (b) there should not be adverse
against which the fiscal incentives to modernise the gems and jewellery impact on revenue and employment
may be given to the units. Several sector, invest in R&D, innovation in DTA and (c) it should be aligned
performance indicators mentioned and upgrade skills. Incentives with the overall objective of creating
in the draft DESH Bill (2022), such can be smartly designed to link to the export zones, which is promoting
as integration with the global supply these criterions. There is scope for exports.
and value chains or additional collaboration between business
economic activity, are difficult to and government in areas such as
1 Professor, Consultant and Research Associate respectively, ICRIER, New Delhi. The authors can be reached at,, and
2 Available at (last accessed October 15, 2022)
3 Available at accessed August 03, 2022)
4 Source: India’s Special Economic Zones: A Primer
the%20Ministry%20of%20Commerce,shown%20below.%20Location%20of%20the%20above%20seven%20SEZs%3A (last
accessed September 07, 2022)
5 Source: (last accessed August
11, 2022). The number of gems in jewellery units in SEZs have reduced significantly in the past 5 years.
6 For details, refer India- Export Related Measures
tratop_e/dispu_e/cases_e/1pagesum_e/ds541sum_e.pdf (last accessed October 15, 2022)
7 There is no official definition for reverse job work. Broadly, reverse job work refers to allowing the SEZ units to cater to the domestic market,
i.e., DTA.
8 Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) refers to the whole of India (including the territorial water and continental shelf) but does not include the areas of
the Special Economic Zones.
9 For details, refer (last accessed October 17, 2022)
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