Page 26 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 2 February 2023_Neat
P. 26

Domestic gold jewellery retail    coupled with evolving macro-      FY2020-FY2022, and firm operating
           industry is likely to record a    economic scenario. Nevertheless,   costs due to store expansion and
           healthy growth of ~15% YoY in     the revenue of organised jewellery   advertising. Despite the expected
           FY2023 (industry had grown by     retailers is likely to grow at a much   increase in debt levels to fund store
           ~22% YoY in FY2022) owing to      higher rate of ~10% YoY in FY2024,  expansions, the debt protection
           robust growth recorded during H1   supported by the accelerated shift   metrics for the larger players is
           FY2023 (up ~35% YoY), mainly on   in market share to the organised   expected to remain comfortable,
           account of Akshaya Tritiya and a   sector driven by tightening      as reflected by the estimated
           low base, which was impacted by   regulations, change in consumer   interest coverage of more than 4.5
           the pandemic last year. Demand    preferences towards branded       times and total outside liabilities
           growth in H2 FY2023 is likely to   jewellery and planned expansion of   to tangible net worth ratio of less
           remain muted due to a high base   organised jewellers into tier 2 and   than 1.5 times over the next 12-18
           on account of pent-up demand      tier 3 cities.                    months against 5.4 times and 1.4
           in Q3 FY2022. While the ongoing                                     times, respectively, in FY2022.
           festive and wedding season        While ICRA expects the operating   Most organised jewellers have
           sees healthy demand, evolving     margins of organised players to   recommenced expansion with a
           domestic inflation scenario, slow   contract by ~100 basis points   focus on capturing the untapped
           rural economic recovery and soft   (bps) in FY2023 and ~40-50 bps   market in tier 2 and tier 3 cities in
           consumer sentiments remain the    in FY2024, the margin is expected   H1 FY2023. The total store count
           key demand constraints.           to sustain at ~7% levels over     of ICRA’s sample set is expected
                                             the medium term. The margin       to increase by ~10% in the next
           The industry growth is likely to   moderation follows normalising   12-18 months, which is expected
           moderate to ~5% YoY in FY2024     gross margins, which remained     to translate into market share gains
           due to the high base of FY2023,   elevated due to inventory gains in   and economies of scale.
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