Page 34 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 2 February 2023_Neat
P. 34

annualized net compound returns   covering precious metals and         amplified economic uncertainty
           of +37.59% (as of 31 December     critical metals, which cannot be     and negative growth patterns,
           2022).                            covered here but we are always       which have led to increased
                                             open to discuss these with clients.  demand for precious metals as
           Besides gold, where do you                                             a safe haven asset.
           advise investing in other         What, according to you, are the   •   Global sovereign Central
           precious metal space?             major structural changes that        Banks around the world have
           Throughout the year and more      are going around in the precious     been net buying gold every
           importantly over the major cycle   metals space?                       year since 2010 into 2022, the
           time frames, each metal offers    Again this is a big question that    greatest central bank buying
           unique pricing opportunities or   has many strong roots in place and   spree since the 1960’s. 2022
           anomalies, of which the vast      growing stronger, there have been    saw the greatest net officially
           majority of the market simply     several structural changes in the    reported buying spree of
           outright ignores. The industrial   precious metals space in recent     the last 13 years. Un-official
           end users rely on market research   years, including:                  procurement raises their net
           from various agencies to plan their                                    buying dramatically.
           procurement plans, but that’s as   •   Increased demand             •   The global debt crisis is
           far as it goes in the precious metal   for sustainable and             growing rapidly as Central
           space.                               environmentally friendly mining   Banks start to raise interest
                                                practices, leading to a shift     rates expeditiously in the face
           For example, platinum today          towards more responsible          of the worse negative nominal
           is offering investors a huge         sourcing and production           interest rate yield picture since
           opportunity to benefit from a        methods, which in turn is         World War 1. Higher rates
           wholly differing structure versus    tightening supply and raising     increase the serviceability
           the last 10 years or so of its price   costs of production.            costs of existing debt thereby
           action, focusing on the global    •   Growth in the use of precious    increasing the demand for debt
           supply-demand picture. It’s an       metals in industries such as      over and above the already
           extensive situation change and       electronics, renewable energy,    expanding debt growth. Then
           best phrased as a ‘perfect storm’    electric vehicles, hydrogen       we have the stagflationary
           with falling ore grades, disruptive   economy, pollution controls      economic environment
           and falling global production, rising   and the rising technology      backdrop that invariably forces
           cost of production at a time of      loadings requiring greater        governments to increase
           rapidly rising industrial demand.    amounts of platinum group         spending. Thereby leading
           Much of this demand is linked to     metals are all driving up         us into a condition that the
           global changes as a result of ever-  industrial demand for these       global monetary debasement is
           increasing pollution controls as well   metals significantly.          quickening its pace.
           as new energy sources including   •   The introduction of new
           the hydrogen economy. Above          technologies such as           Overall, these changes are leading
           ground liquid available stockpiles   blockchain and digital crypto   to a more dynamic and rapidly
           have been decimated over the last    tokens, which have led to a    evolving precious metals market,
           10 plus years by China importing     growing interest in precious   with very attractive new investment
           enormous amounts of platinum         metals as a store of value and   opportunities across this greater
           from the market-place for its own    as a diversification.          super-cycle that we are now in.
           tactical sovereign holdings.      •   Growing geopolitical tensions,
           There a quite a few opportunities    war and civil unrest along with
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