Page 9 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 11 November 2022_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 11 | November 2022

                    Gems and jewellery units in the Indian SEZs                    (R&D), advanced technology and
                                                                                   skilling of workforce is low in the
                       are operating under an uncertain policy                     gems and jewellery units of Indian
                     environment vis-à-vis their counterparts in                   SEZs. Of the total 14 gems and
                   other gems and jewellery exporting countries                    jewellery SEZ units, only 4 reported

                    such as Turkey China, Philippines, Canada,                     to have made such investment.
                     etc. Some of these countries not only have                    Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
                    lower logistics costs, but also provide more                   in gems and jewellery units of
                                                                                   Indian SEZs is negligible. There are
                     non-fiscal incentives like reverse job work,                  limited training programmes and
                        which has improved their firms’ global                     modules to upgrade skills in use of
                                     competitiveness.                              modern technology and there are
                                                                                   issues related to lack of funding,
                                                                                   gaps in technical training and
                                                                                   quality of training. All the surveyed
                                                                                   SEZ units felt the need for WTO
                                                                                   compliant fiscal incentives. To make
                                                                                   the incentives WTO compliant,
                                                                                   incentives may be given on services
                                                                                   used by the units like training or
                                                                                   software. Since the WTO has no
                                                                                   discipline on subsidies in services,
                 Mrs Arpita Mukherjee     Dr Nida Rahman      Ms Eshana Mukherjee   and services is a key component
                   Professor, ICRIER      Consultant, ICRIER    Research Associate,   of the cost, fiscal incentives can
                                                                                   be directed towards services
                                                                                   used in manufacturing. Along with
               Key Findings from the Pilot       countries like Turkey allow reverse   this, non-fiscal incentive such as
               Survey                            job work subject to certain terms   allowing the SEZ units to cater to the
               The survey found that the gems and   and conditions, like payment of   domestic demand or DTA (reverse
               jewellery units in the Indian SEZs   appropriate taxes and duties.      job work) will be a positive step in
               are operating under an uncertain   Another issue for firms in SEZ is   improving the productivity, efficiency
               policy environment vis-à-vis their   that they export products like heavy   and enhancing the ease of doing
               counterparts in other gems and    handcrafted gold jewellery and    business in the sector (see Figure 1).
               jewellery exporting countries such as   cut and polished diamonds, the   There will be more value addition and
               Turkey, China, Philippines, Canada,   export of which grew marginally, at   job creation in the country and it will
               etc. Some of these countries not   around 1 percent and 0.7 percent,   allow SEZ units to serve customers
               only have lower logistics costs,   respectively. However, exports of   better by maintaining international
               but also provide more non-fiscal   new product categories such as   standards in manufacturing, as
               incentives like reverse job work,   lab-grown diamonds picked up    more skilled workers and tools and
               which has improved their firms’   steam by growing at a Compound    technology are available with the
               global competitiveness. Reverse   Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 48   SEZs. It will increase the profitability
               job work allows the SEZ units to do   percent. Thus, there is a need for   of firms in SEZs.
               job work for the DTA retailers and   firms to move into newer products
               manufacturers during the period   and within each product category
               when the export demand is low.    like gold jewellery towards segment
               This helps the firms to mitigate risk   like light weight gold jewellery, which
               related to seasonality of export   will need technology and innovation.
               demand and these firms can replace   Turkey has swayed the global market
               the demand for imported goods     in light weight jewellery exports.
               in the DTA. Given that the primary   Our survey found that investment
               role of the firms in SEZ is to export,   in Research and Development


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