Page 31 - Bullion World Volume 03 Issue 07 July 2022
P. 31

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 07 | July 2022

           Coming to the challenges in HUID   India in the next year, from the 300   to consumers shall not be made
           hallmarking, it initially took 24 – 36   districts presently covered under   mandatory for jewellery shops, but
           hours for HUID hallmarking, mostly   the mandatory regime, the lack   may be adopted on a voluntary
           due to the bandwidth and agility   of hallmarking infrastructure in   basis in the initial years. The HUID
           problems of the HUID software at the  smaller towns and cities shall pose   portability and registering it in the
           BIS server. Most of these issues are   a serious challenge for smaller   end consumers name at the HUID
           now sorted out; presently, it takes   jewellers and local artisans in these   portal offers foolproof traceability for
           6 – 8 hours for HUID hallmarking of   districts. Another challenge is the   every hallmarked jewellery, similar to
           around 500 pcs. at an HM center   transfer of HUID numbers from the   the registration number of a vehicle
           with one set of machines. Now     manufacturer to the retailer to the   getting transferred at the Vaahan
           the BIS has initiated the online   consumer, which is presently not   portal, every time the ownership
           integration of HM center machines   activated in the HUID portal. At the   of that vehicle is transferred to a
           with the HUID portal of BIS, wherein   retailer's level, operating the BIS   new owner. This will also help in the
           manual data entry is eliminated   portal for transferring the HUID   seamless transfer of HUID across
           and real-time data uploading is   of each article to the consumer's   various segments, especially when
           envisaged from the HM center      name, while selling each and every   gold jewellery is mortgaged or
           machines directly to the BIS portal.   jewellery piece, may create huge   monetized as old gold, ensuring
           This automation, though intended   operational and software issues.   asset class value for gold jewellery
           to curb data manipulation and fake   The 5-year-old GST portal is still
           hallmarking at the HM centers, may   riddled with hiccups, E-invoicing   Another contentious issue is the
           lead to the same old bandwidth    is now mandated for shops with    hallmarking of Kundan, Polki, and
           and server problems of the HUID   turnover above Rs.20 crores, and   Jedau jewellery, mostly
           portal, resulting in huge time delays   only the total quantity needs to be   studded with precious and semi-
           for hallmarking. However, this is   uploaded for E-invoicing. Whereas   precious stones, which is presently
           a move in the right direction, to   for HUID transfer, the HUID     exempted from mandatory
           ensure genuine hallmarking with full   number of each article needs to   hallmarking due to its intricate
           traceability, for consumer protection.  be individually uploaded to the BIS   and nonhomogenous nature. BIS
           When the government is proposing   portal. Considering these operational  guidelines stipulate that when
           mandatory hallmarking all over    issues, the HUID transfer facility   studded or filled articles are

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