Page 2 - revista
P. 2

COOKING TECHNIQUES                                                                                                        COOKING TECHNIQUES

           Boiling                                                                                                                                     Baking

                             Boiling  consists  of  cooking  a  food  by  immersing  it  in
                             a boiling liquid (generally in water or broth) for a cer-                                                                   Baking is the process of cooking by means of dry heat that is most-
                             tain time, this depends on the food to be cooked.                                                                           ly carried out in the oven. This consists of subjecting a food to the
                                                                                                                                                         action of heat for a given time, but without the intervention of a
                             METHOD                                                                                                                      liquid element.

                             It consists of cooking food by immersing it in li-                                                                          METHOD
                             quid,  generally  boiling, for  a  certain  time  that depends
                             on the  food we are going  to cook,  until  it is  tender.
                                                                                                                                                         Baking is the process of cooking by means of dry heat that is gene-
                                                                                                                                                         rally carried out in an oven. It consists of subjecting a food to the
                                                                                                                                                         action of heat under a certain time but without the mediation of
                                                                                                                                                         any liquid element

                                                        Grilling                                                                                                        Stewing

                                                                   DEFINITION                                                   DEFINITION

                                                                   Grilling is a cooking method that uses dry                   A stew is the cooking in a semi-fat medium of one or more foods. It consists of preparing the food by cooking it in a
                                                                   heat. The food comes into direct contact with                sauce, after being sautéed
                                                                   the hot grid, responsible for it turning gol-
                                                                   den (the so-called “Maillard reaction”), cris-               METHOD
                                                                   piness and developing a characteristic aroma.

                                                                                                                                Stewing is a method of cooking                                                   over low heat in which tempe-
                                                                                                                                ratures ranging between 75 and                                                   100 ° C are applied, seeking at
                                                                   Grilling is a cooking method that uses dry                   most a slight boil. When we                                                      make a stew, it is usual to apply a
                                                                   heat. Traditionally, this was transmitted by                 first cooking to the main ingre-                                                 dient, either gilding it or sealing
                                                                   the radiation of the heat produced by the bur-               it.
                                                                   ning coal or firewood, although nowadays the
                                                                   use of electric or gas grills is more frequent.
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