Page 3 - NCISS Your Advocate December 2020
P. 3

From the Past President…

                             Thank you for allowing me to serve as your President for the past year and a half. As I move to
                             the position of Board Chair I look forward to seeing what the next year brings. You have a very
                             motivated and dynamic new board in place with fresh ideas and amazing talent.

                             I'd like to thank you, our members for your support, especially in this unprecedented and
                             challenging year. Keeping the association moving forward with these challenges in place has not
                             been easy, but we've done it together! I'd also like to thank our board members. All of the board
                             members are volunteers and give much of themselves and their time in the most unselfish way.

        I'm grateful to have served beside all of you and thank you for your dedication to our members and our profession.
        Andrea Orozco
        Board Chair and Immediate Past President

                            NCISS Board Members 2020-2021


          Chairman of the Board               President
          Andrea Orozco                       Wes Bearden

          1st Vice President                  2nd Vice President                  3rd Vice President
          Lisa Turley                         Tina Thomas                         Paul Cicarella

          Secretary                           Treasurer
          Candace Ivey                        Candace Ivey

         Regional Directors

          Region 1 (2021)                                       Region 2 (2021)
          IL-IN-MI-KY-OH-PA-WV                                  CT-MA-ME-NJ-NH-NY-RI-VT
          Tim Gilbert                                           Matt Spaier

          Region 3 (2021)                                       Region 4 (2022)
          DC-DE-FL-GA-MD-NC-SC-PR-VA                            AL-AR-MO-LA-MS-NM-OK-TN-TX
          Alden Wheeler                                         Kelly Riddle

          Region 5 (2020)                                       Region 6 (2022)
          AZ-CO-IA-KS-MN-ND-NE-SD-UT-WI-WY                      AK-CA-HI-ID-MT-OR-NV-WA
          Brandon Knott                                         Kelly Cory

         At Large Directors

         Director at Large (2021)                              Director at Large (2021)
         Mike Cook                                             Brandy Lord

         Director at Large (2022)                              Director at Large (2022)
         Dean Gluth                                            Jim Nanos
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