Page 21 - NCISS_Your_Advocate_March_Spring_2023
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Association News, Member News and News for Members

        “I remember all the work you put into the newsletter back then. And all the work you put into NCISS. All your trips to
        Washington to testify on the Hill in between meetings. We couldn’t have a better President Emeritus. You were always
        there for us during our glory days as well as our struggling times when we weren’t sure if we were going to survive
        another year. Thank you!” – Bob Heales, Past President

        “I echo Bob's words. Ed has been the backbone of NCISS for decades. Thank you, Ed.” – Francie Koehler, Past President

        “The book was filled with interesting stories of the life of a PI in LA. I happen to know Eddy personally and know him to be
        a person of unquestionable character, honesty, generosity and a strong devoted family. He has led a very exciting life and
        I am sure he has many more stories to tell.” – Thomas M. (Amazon review)

        “Eddy shares stories, anecdotes and snippets from over 60 years as a private investigator – from employee to family run
        business. His insights provide laughs, history and lessons. If you know Eddy, you can hear him tell these stories as you
        read them, even if you’ve never heard them before.” – Karen and Dean Beers

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